Mobile Finger Printing Services

Mobile finger printing services

Mobile Health offers mobile fingerprinting services. We come to you and provide our services.

Rolled ink cards and inkless cards. This is a cutting-edge technology that allows us to digitally capture your best fingerprint images. Our system checks for fingerprint clarity, accuracy, and quality of your fingerprints eliminating the need for reprints or storage space associated with ink cards.

Background checks and fingerprinting should be fast and convenient for everyone that needs this service. Low rates are detailed on our website.

By traveling to your location, the time required for fingerprinting is reduced from hours per person to mere minutes. 

mobile finger printing

Your privacy is important

We know the importance of keeping our clients’ medical information secure and will not release anyone’s private information without written consent. We also do everything within our power to keep private information private, using the best technology available.

Ready to schedule your mobile life insurance exam? Contact us today.




After hour post-accident Mobile drug testing services offered

We’re available 7 days a week! We partner with you to ensure a drug free workplace.